You know how I know I have the best wife ever? – A love letter from my soul mate.

You know how I know I have the best wife ever? – A love letter from my soul mate.

As a fire wife, you learn to do things solo (future blog to come on that one). As I am sure you have learned by now, I’m kind of always a hot mess. Most of the time I’m on autopilot. But we do what we gotta do, right moms? Recently, someone very special asked to be a “guest blogger” on here and sent me his piece for review. He even phrased his title in the form of a question. I know how much he despises writing so this kind of made my day, my week…probably my whole year. He knows me better than anyone. He understands me. He notices even when I think he doesn’t…and for me, this may be the greatest love letter of all time…

“You know how I know I have the best wife ever?”

Guest Blogger: Ryan Rix aka the man behind the “Do you believe in soul mates?” blog.

To start things off, last night, like most every night, mom stayed up late to spend time with our 11 year old. At some point during the night a total of three kids were probably in bed with her. One probably fell asleep next to her while watching a cooking show. Another one probably started screaming at a decibel only attainable by an electric guitar, because she is afraid of the dark and momma is the only thing that comforts her (this happens around the 2:30am mark), and the other one probably snuck in early in the morning and curled up next to mommy in his favorite position. Forehead, elbows, and knees pressed firmly into the side and or back of the person he loves most. Yup, you guessed it. Mom.

Even though mom is dead tired, she gets up at 5am to make sure that she gets time to herself. This “time to herself” consists of a medieval form of torture known as working out. Next, she pries all three kids out of bed, makes them breakfast, brushes their teeth and gets them dressed for the day. After dropping 2 of the 3 hellions off at school, mom then grabs the grocery list for the meals she is going to make this week and goes to the store. After she gets home, mom cleans up whatever toys have been thrown about the house by the littles. Mom repeats this particular task multiple times throughout the day because, if you’re a 2 year old with the temper of a badger, you like to get all your toys out and dump them on the ground. And there is no time like the present to do this. After cleaning the entire house, mom heads out the door to pick up the 4 year old from school. Once home she feeds the two, and wrestles both into their perspective rooms for their naps. Oh, I forgot to mention the simultaneous meltdown that happens when it’s time to wash hands before lunch. Mom takes care of that too. After reading both littles their favorite books and tucking both in with their most prized possession (a blanket called TT, and a Blaze and The Monster Machines truck), mom finally gets a handful of minutes to breathe. These minutes are spent once again picking up toys, doing laundry, preparing the meal she is going to make for dinner and working on her business. Before you know it, it’s time to pick up the oldest from school. Before that the process looks a little like this. Wake littles up, change a diaper, wipe a butt, find shoes, heard littles to car, strap said littles into carseats, don’t forget TT and Blaze, and then mom is off to pick up the 11 year old. After returning home, mom does it all over again in order to take the oldest to gymnastics, and then softball. Finally, after all that is done, mom makes dinner, feeds kids, give them baths, make sure homework is done, and get them into bed only to repeat the entire series of events the next night/day.

Even though this sounds like a long and exhausting day, which it is, mom gladly does it with a smile on her face. She makes time for all four people in her family. Baby Mac, little G, Em and of course dad. Taking care of us every step of the way, mom is always there to encourage us to keep doing our best. Through her tireless actions, she reminds us that good things come to those that work hard.

Having just completed my bachelor’s degree, I can tell you that perseverance and endurance are some good qualities to possess. Watching you display these traits, along with the tenderness, love and compassion that you have shown me and our kids over the last 7 years has inspired me to achieve more. Thank you for the support and inspiration that you so willingly give. And thank you for everything that you do. I could not have done it without you. You truly are the best part of me.

Love, your Soul Mate.


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