If I make huevos rancheros, can I go to Target?

If I make huevos rancheros, can I go to Target?

I’ve never actually ordered huevos rancheros, but I’ve seen it on many breakfasts menus and well…we know how me and recipes get along. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day and I could literally eat it at 8 am, noon, or 2 am. No pancakes or french toast here, my breakfasts are HEARTY. You know, just like me? My recipe may in no way shape or form resemble actual hues rancheros…but that’s what we call it in our house. 

This is Ryan’s favorite breakfast meal that I make and he recently requested it as his birthday dinner. You know the saying “happy wife, happy life?” Well…I fully believe in this saying. But I also believe there is something to be said for a happy spouse in general. I can’t think of any cute or creative sayings but let me tell you a little something I have learned ladies. A man that is well fed is man that is a lot more likely to do the little things that are so easy, but yet so difficult for us to get them to do. You know…like putting dirty clothes IN the actual laundry basket instead of 4.2 inches away from it on the ground.

Now now. Let’s step off the soap box for just a second. I’m not talking about greeting him at the door with a highball, apron tied around your waist, hair in a perfectly coiffed bun, and high heels. I mean, if that’s your thing, more power to you. If you want to order pizza, do it. If it means grabbing double cheeseburgers from the Mac, go for it. But when did it become so unconventional to cook for your spouse? I hardly think I’m setting women back 50 years because I enjoy preparing a good meal for a husband who works really hard, is a great dad, and whose job takes him away from his family for days on end. I don’t feel obligated, I just like doing it. The same way I like to spend stupid amounts of money at Target on NOTHING I actually need. And you know what, he doesn’t complain. It’s a win win here in our house.  

So I’ll hop off my own soapbox now and get to the food. I’m gonna give it to you straight. This recipe has a lot of different components that kind of have to come together at the same time at the end. It’s slightly labor intensive but so worth it. You can always make each thing separately and reheat it later during assembly. I’ll list each component separately and then describe how I do it all at the same time at the end. But you do you boo. Did I get that right Erin? ; )

Roasted potatoes

-Preheat oven to 400 degrees

-Cut a 3-5 lb. bag of red potatoes into 1 “inch-ish” pieces and put in a large bowl

-Drizzle potatoes with enough olive oil to lightly coat them

-Add in your favorite seasonings…I use a LOT of chili powder, garlic powder, salt, & pepper.

-Spread them evenly onto a baking sheet (you may need 2) and roast for 45 minutes or until potatoes are crispy. If they seem to be getting dry, drizzle them with more olive oil and toss halfway through cooking

-No, you won’t use all 3-5 lbs but they keep well in the fridge and make for a great next day breakfast or use them in burritos

Roasted peppers (optional but adds more flavor)

-Cut 3 bell peppers in half and remove the seeds. I use the multi color pack (red, orange, and yellow)

-Coat both sides lightly with olive oil and season them with the same seasonings you used for potatoes

-Grill them on high for 6-7 minutes on each side. You want the skin to turn black and get a nice char!

-Once they have cooled, peel off the charred skin. I like to leave some on for flavor

-Slice peppers into strips

Poached eggs

-Bring a pot of water to a LOW simmer. No big bubbles needed here

-Add ¼ cup of white vinegar to the simmering water

-Crack eggs and gently drop them into the water. Depending how many you need and how big your pot is will determine how many you do at a time. I typically do no more than three.

-Allow eggs to cook for about 2-3 minutes (3 minutes will give you a beautiful creamy yellow yolk). You can create a gentle whirlpool in the water to wrap the whites up and make it “prettier”, just try not to touch the eggs

-Remove with a slotted spoon and cut off any hanging egg whites

**I also sauté mushrooms, yellow onions, and sliced linguica in vegetable oil until soft for extra flavor


Use a shallow but wide bowl or even a small plate. Scoop potatoes and lay them on the bottom to create a little “nest”. Spoon roasted peppers, onions, and mushrooms on top of the potatoes. Gently lay poached eggs on top. Top with your favorite sauces…we love chipotle mayo, sour cream, and sometimes a drizzle of sriracha. Sprinkle chopped green onions on top, salt, cracked pepper, and arrange fried corn tortillas on the side.

So here is the order I do things to make sure it all comes out hot in the end…

I get the potatoes in the oven and then set to chopping and seasoning everything else. When there’s about 15 minutes left on the potatoes, I get my water boiling for the eggs. Then I put the peppers on the grill, set the timer for 6 minutes and throw my onions, sausage, and mushrooms in a skillet. The peppers and mushroom/onion/sausage combo will finish about the same time (don’t forget to turn the peppers over!) Once the peppers are cut in to slices, I throw them in a metal bowl with the mushroom combo and put some foil on top. Then I use the same pan my shrooms were in (don’t wash), add more vegetable oil, and fry my corn tortillas until they’re crispy. These are great to use as a giant chip to scoop all this deliciousness up and shovel it into your mouth. Then I pull the potatoes out, drop my eggs in the water, and start the assembly (see above). About the time you get everything in the bowl, your eggs will be wrapping up and they go on LAST before the toppings.  

Yes, I spend time to make it look pretty. Yes, it tastes the same either way. But it’s about going that tiny extra mile…I mean, to get the clothes IN the hamper right?

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