What’s new with your hair? – My three favorite hair products.

What’s new with your hair? – My three favorite hair products.

I don’t wash my hair very much. Most of the time it looks like the feature image for this blog post. Messy, and in a bun. And I can’t even blame being a busy mom. Even when I was working full time as a teacher, and HAD to look presentable, it still didn’t happen. It just requires so much time and effort. So when I have to choose between drinking a cup of coffee so I can function, or spending an hour drying and styling my hair…well, guess which one I am going to pick.

Don’t be fooled, there’s actually training involved in the road to not washing your hair. You and your lovely locks have to come to a mutual agreement that no shampoo will interfere with your hard work. Dry shampoo and teasing spray are the only welcome guests during this unknown length of time. I like to pick one day when I have no plans, and the husband is home to take my children far, far away from my bathroom so that I can do my hair in peace. I say take them away because if you’re a mom, then you understand that if there are children in your home and you attempt to take a shower, or pee, or poop…you WILL have an audience. So really I blame my husband for my lack of hair washing. When those rare days actually happen, I spend hours doing my hair as if I’m going to the Oscar’s, when really I’ll just be spending the day blogging in yoga pants with reruns of Grey’s Anatomy playing in the background. But I will FEEL like a supermodel while doing it.

Ok but seriously, read most beauty articles and they will tell you that washing your hair every day is unnecessary and that not washing it is actually better. They may not push it to the 5-7 day stretch that I am able to achieve, but hey, to each their own. Personally, I have incredibly fine hair, but a TON of it, and it has gotten drier over the last few years depending on whether or not my thyroid wants to work that week. But basically, the second it’s dry, it lies flat to my head like a limp mop. Getting volume is really hard for me so I am constantly on the hunt for the best hair products and I am sharing my top three with you!

#1: It’s a 10 Miracle Leave-in Plus Keratin

I know the back of the bottle lists all the amazing things this magical little blue bottle does, but basically it’s my fave because it makes brushing my hair after the shower slightly less infuriating. Remember me saying I had fine hair? Yeah, as soon as that stuff gets wet it entangles itself like Devil’s Snare. If you know what that is in reference to, call me. We were meant to be best friends. So yeah it detangles and repairs the ends that spend most of their time in a messy top knot. It’s pricey, but lasts a long time. Find it by clicking here.

#2: Bed Head Oh Bee Hive Matte Dry Shampoo by TIGI

I have tried about 20 different dry shampoos and this one is my absolute favorite. I literally buy 2-4 bottles at a time for fear of running out and being forced to wash my hair. I’m a pretty (non) natural blonde so it’s difficult to find dry shampoos that don’t leave a residue that you can see from 40 feet away. This little gem is perfect for absorbing oil, giving your hair texture, and kick ass volume. I usually put this in my hair the day after washing it and then on each day after…however long that may be. Shop for this product by clicking here.

#3: Quick Tease 15 by Redken

Redken probably makes a majority of my favorite hair products. Hairspray, shampoo, leave-in treatments…but this bad boy right here might just might be my favorite of all time. If you have fine hair that has to be teased in order to get volume, look no further. You spray it on your roots, give it a quick tease and voila. VOL-UME. You can add this to your collection by clicking here.

**Tip: Shop at Ulta because most of their products come in travel mini sizes. It’s a perfect way to sample them to see if you want to commit to a full bottle. Each of the products mentioned above (except for the matte dry shampoo) come in travel sizes.

Now, if you’re super grossed out by my lack of hair washing, I don’t know what to tell you other than, come spend a day in crazyville and decide for yourself where your priorities lie. If you’re excited to attempt the no washing challenge, remember, it takes training. You can’t go from washing your hair every day to skipping a week and not expect to look like you bathed in coconut oil. Start with every other day, using dry shampoo in between and go from there.

And because I know you’re thinking it…yes. I still SHOWER every day, I just don’t get my hair wet. As I’ve said before, life’s about choices people.

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