Who’s your bfffffff?

Who’s your bfffffff?

Women. From the very moment we could speak, we found ourselves proclaiming other toddlers to be our absolute best friends. As we grew up, those best friends changed according to what was most important at that time of our life. Funny how as grown, adult women, the selection process doesn’t change much. What does change, at least for me, is that those I give the second half of my BFF heart necklace to, are people I trust, admire, and genuinely love with my whole heart and soul. They are like family and their presence is not fleeting. Each of them is an anchor. Every bestie is wholly and unequivocally different but each of them plays a role in my life. I hope each of the people I love find their title among those listed. I had the best time writing about each of you and categorizing you by the light you bring to my life, just as others can probably do with their own friends. So here they are. The BFFFFFF categories.

The Forevers: You’ve been friends with these people for so long that the beginning of your friendship is blurred. Your kids call each of you “auntie” and you resemble sisters above all else. These girls remind you of who you are, where you came from, and reassure you that there is no time in your life that your friendship will not endure. You have so many inside jokes together, that saying even one sends you all into an epic recap of the last 20 years. And you laugh. A lot. Like…pit of your stomach, make you sore, hysterical laughter, over things like old boyfriends, breaking and entering escapades, 21st birthdays, and who knows what else. No bells or whistles needed. Just give them 3 kid-free hours, a Target, and a Panera. They aren’t hard to please.

Ride or Die: You know those Facebook questionnaires where your significant other has to answer 20 questions about you? Remember that question that says, “I’m in jail, who am I with?” Yep. That’s the ride or die. Why do we love them? When you’re hurting, or stressed, or hanging on by a thread, she brings over a bottle of booze, lets you scream, shout, cry, and cuss…all with no judgement. She never once rubs your back or embraces you in long, uncomfortable hugs because she knows you hate that. She’s brutally honest but in a way that you respect. Going on trips with her makes you cross out days on a calendar like a kid waiting for Christmas because you know at the end of each trip, you’ll think that was the best trip ever. Oh. And she is also the one who will help you bury a body. Any body. With no questions asked.

The Plastics or sometimes referred to as The Squad: This is the group that was randomly put together by some part of your life. Be it a job, or a group from college…this group has one goal and one goal only. Packing as much absolute fun into a set amount of time as humanly possible. You usually only see them all together as a group and maybe even only a few times a year. But when you do, you hydrate for a week in advance and plan to laugh your ass off. And maybe possibly be prepared to bail one of them out of jail. They have your back, even when you’re wrong, because the only life they’re about, is the one in which you all come together to take over the world.

The Man Friend: Every girl has one. One best guy friend that has made it through life with you and can still stand to be around you. Your friendship is based entirely off of sports, embarrassing one another in public, reminding you of every stupid decision you’ve ever made, reminiscing about college road trips, and participating in disgusting games of “would you rather?”. He has no problem putting you in your place but is recklessly loyal at the same time. If you have kids, they create ridiculous nicknames for him and engage him in monster slam wrestling matches, both of which he secretly loves, but will never admit to it.

The Twin Soul: If the universe took one human being and divided them into two people, this person would be your other half. It’s actually uncomfortable when you think about how many things you have in common or how closely your personalities are connected. It may even be a person that you met randomly and live nowhere near. You don’t have to live close, because your makeup is so similar that distance and time have no impact on your relationship. Hence the title. Even though you’re fundamentally the same person, she still manages to bring out the best in you. She’s probably the person who you’d most likely choose to be your sister wife. You’d raise your children together in bliss…with copious amount of chardo, champagne, and Jack in the Box tacos. Side note: this Twin Soul at times crosses over with the Ride or Die when needed.

The Bonuses: These are women who come into your life by chance. Had you stayed in your same place in life forever, and never tried anything new, you may never have met them. But now that they are in your life, that’s where they will remain. This group is eclectic, and each of them is completely different. But each of them serve a special purpose. Some cater to your heart, some to your sense of humor. Some are business partners turned besties, and some just flat out share your love for getting together, letting your kids run wild, and having a much deserved cocktail.

To all of those special people in my life. I love you. And I am forever grateful for your friendship.


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