Are you one of those?

Are you one of those?

I’m what they like to call an accidental entrepreneur. My background is in English and Literature and I have never once taken a business class in my life. I wasn’t looking to be a business owner…and I sure as hell wasn’t looking into anything related to sales. As a high school teacher, I spent all of my energy on my students. Working with disadvantaged kids is kind of like…my jam. There is just something so incredibly rewarding about taking kids that the universe deems as “unsavable” and not only saving them…but flipping everyone off along the path to kicking adversity’s ass. Sounds fun right? Problem was, these types of students become part of your heart…part of your soul. And while that is amazing in every sense, it meant that for me, my heart and soul became so full that my own children at home were having to fight for space. They were having to fight for my time. So something had to give. All of a sudden I found myself needing an opportunity that would allow me to make an income for my family, stay home to spend precious time with my kids, but also fulfill the part of me that made me happy in the same way that teaching did. Side note, these types of jobs don’t exactly run in the help wanted column of the newspaper.

My perception of multi-level marketing was probably similar to what most of the population thinks about it. Probably what you are thinking now. I assumed they were pyramid schemes involving cheesy products being schlepped around by stay at home moms hopped up on too much coffee, constantly begging you to throw a party for the 37th time so they can hit their quota, which will earn you loads of free crap that will inevitably sit in the back of your closet, or be re-gifted the next time you realize you forgot to go shopping for your third cousin’s birthday. Of course, in order to get the loads of free crap you were promised, your party sales had to be higher than the DOW for the week. Sound familiar?

Fortunately for me I got a dose of reality and a good look into the world of MLM from someone I trusted. I learned pyramid schemes are actually illegal and the people behind these businesses are some pretty incredible, hard-working women (and men), who are passionate about their product and like the rest of us…just trying to make it in this world. Maybe we joined because we needed an outlet for ourselves, maybe it was to earn an income to pay those extra bills, maybe it was just a way to meet people, or for some (like me), it was a chance to basically take over the world with the rise of e-commerce. And I am only slightly joking about that last part. But in all seriousness, take a look around. Massive “mega stores” that were once retail giants are rapidly closing their brick and mortar establishments because they simply can’t keep up with…you guessed it, the ability to purchase a good from your home. In your sweatpants. And maybe a glass of champagne. With Grey’s Anatomy playing in the background. Or is that just me?

This type of business isn’t for everyone and yes, there are those who run their businesses in a way that makes us all cringe. But…isn’t that life in general? Look at your own work place. How many “bad” employees do you work with? Is that a representation of your work ethic? What if people made their assumptions about your ability to do your job based on the quality of those you worked with? For me…and be prepared for a cliche statement…this business, and the company I chose, have changed my life. It’s more than pushing product and throwing parties (I personally chose one that didn’t require sales quotas or parties but to each their own). It’s about taking a giant leap of faith and making it into something incredible. It sure as hell ain’t easy, and in fact most of what you see on social media is a highlight reel. The trips, the gifts, the “opportunities”. Yes, those are all real. But what you don’t see is a little thing we in this industry like to call GRIT. Basically having the cajones to keep on keepin on when you’re on your 100th “no”, you get ignored, mocked, made fun of by your closest family or friends, and everything in your business is falling apart around you. Yet you refuse to stop. At it’s core, multi-level marketing, when done well, is like personal development with a paycheck. I heard that at a leadership retreat once and loved it. Nothing is constant in this type of business so you are constantly having to adapt and change. In that process, you learn a lot about yourself. Personally, I am a better wife, a better mom, and overall a better human because of my own journey in my business and the people I have met along the way. I’m not giving up, and I’m taking that GRIT straight.To.The.Top.

So the next time you get a Facebook message, a friend request, or an invite to an online party…remember two things:
1. It is OK to say no! Or maybe “no thank you”. Sorry, I’m all about manners. Our lives (or at least mine) aren’t attached to the outcome of any one response. In fact, if you didn’t appreciate the way you were approached, or you wished that person would have at least given you a heads up before they added you to a Facebook group of 5,000…TELL THEM! Most of these people are also accidental entrepreneurs and the only way we learn and grow is through trial and error…and a whole lot of grace.
2. Instead of mocking those tupperware peeps, the legging ladies, the bag girls, the health and fitness gurus, or the skincare pushers…think about why they’re doing what they do. While it may not be for you, it doesn’t mean they don’t need the encouragement. Personally, I would way rather buy a product from someone I know with a small business, instead of handing my money over to some major corporation where the hardest workers get the lowest paycheck. P.S. THAT is a pyramid scheme. Insert wink emoji.

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One thought on “Are you one of those?

  1. I was such a skeptic of direct sales ! I’m so happy I stepped out of my comfort zone , followed my gut and took the leap into the New world of being a business owner. I am a better wife, friend and mom for doing so . I also totally relate to personal development with a pay cheque ❤😊

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